Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Goodbye Summer, hello Fall

As we all know seasons change, and with those changes so do the Weather climates. While on vacation, i looked around and noticed the leafs on the treetops changed it's colors from bright Green to muli-colored leafs. That's how i knew the blistering days of fall, were aproaching. Sadly season's change.
Normally you can tell when season's are transforming by how the weather changes dramadically. People get the feeling when it's changing seasons because each morning you can easily turn on the television set in which is known as Television nowadays and watch meteralogist easily predicting tomorrow's weather.
In some places the Weather doesn't change, i am not talking about If the weather will,  the key word here is WHEN the climates change, i sometimes wonder this, " Does mother nature, have anything to do with why the seasons change?"
I normally get answers like " No" and " No mother nature does not have anything to do with seasonal changes, i think that's just a figure of speach.
here's my opinion the weather is cold, but hey the season's rotating.
Let's sadly say goodbye to beaches and bathing suits and hello to long sleved shirts as we say hello to fall..

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